“ Information fragement is of no use to anybody. Our job is to reconstitute the region and all its process again, Like putting together Humptu Dumpty.. ” – Ian McHarg
Shinshu University, Associate Professor, Doctor of Design (Kyushu University), International Federation of Landscape Architecture, Japan Delegate. He majored in Design Sciences that comprehensive department combined by architecture, urban planning, landscaping. The doctor's thesis was an application of ecological planning for sustainable land use. He tries to bridge both design and research.
He is a leading practitioner of disaster prediction and recovery planning application by combining Ian McHarg's Design-with-Nature planning theory and the Japanese National Land Agency's 1980 comprehensive environmental inventory.
This project was successful in population recovering from the 2011 East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster. His work got the International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA) AMPME Outstanding Awards in 2018.